Did you know that a single foot and mouth disease outbreak could cost the Australian economy billions? Foot and mouth are just one of the many diseases that can be carried on vehicles, which is why it's so important to have a wash mat to protect your property. A wash bay bunded mat will keep your vehicle clean and free of unwanted pests or diseases.
Why It's Important To Have a Wash Mat
A wash mat is essential when protecting your property from foot and mouth disease, pests, and weeds. Foot and mouth disease can be carried on vehicles without the driver's knowledge and spread quickly to other farms. Pests and weeds can also be transported on vehicles and infest your property if you're not careful.
A wash bay bunded mat is designed to catch any dirt, debris, or liquids that fall off of a vehicle as it's being washed. This way, you can be sure that your property is protected from foot and mouth disease, pests, and weeds. Plus, a wash bay bunded mat is easy to clean and maintain, so you can use it repeatedly.
What Diseases and Pests Can Be Carried On Vehicles
Many diseases and pests can be carried on vehicles, and it's essential to be aware of them. Some of the most common diseases and problems that can be transported in this way include foot and mouth disease, swine fever, African swine fever, equine encephalitis, equine herpes virus, equine influenza, and West Nile virus.
Swine fever is another disease that can be carried on vehicles. This disease can cause serious illness in pigs and even death.
African swine fever is a disease that affects both wild and domestic pigs. This disease is fatal, and there is no cure.
Equine encephalitis is a virus that can affect horses, mules, and donkeys. This virus can cause inflammation of the brain and can be fatal.
Pro Tip: If you think your vehicle may have been exposed to any of these diseases, help prevent the spread by washing it down right away.
How a Wash Bay Bunded Mat Can Protect Your Property
A wash bay bunded mat can help to protect your property from foot and mouth disease, pests, and weeds. Not only does a wash bay bunded mat help to keep your property clean, but it also helps to prevent the spread of disease and pests.
Where To Buy a Wash Bay Bunded Mat
You can buy it here at Bestbunding.com, the leading wash bay bunded mats supplier. We have a wide selection of mats to choose from, and our team is always on hand to help you find the perfect one for your needs. Bestbunding is the best place to buy a wash bay bunded mat.
A wash bay bunded mat is an essential piece of equipment for anyone who owns a farm or ranch. If you're looking for a wash bay bunded mat, Bestbunding.com.au is the best place to buy one. We have a wide selection of mats to choose from, and our team is always on hand to help you find the perfect one for your needs.